Find the answers to your questions.

What is in the contact list that you’re selling?

We are selling a list of more than 430,000 real estate brokers and agents across the country.

Who does your list have value to?

Our list has value to any person or business interested in selling or advertising to real estate brokers and agents across the USA.

How can I use your list?

You simply just need to upload the list to your email marketing software and start advertising your good or service to more than 400,000 real estate agents and brokers across the USA.

What if I’m interested in starting an email marketing campaign but I don’t currently have an e-mail marketing software and I don’t know what the next steps are?

Great question – when needed or requested, we are happy to: 1. Recommend an email marketing software 2. Refer a great email designer 3. Refer a great copywriter. We provide all of this consulting to our customers free of charge. Email us at info@nationalbrokerlist.com to find out more and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

What is the process of purchasing the list?

Just click here to fill out a contact form and we will follow up with you via phone or email ASAP to discuss next steps.

How much does the list cost?

Contact us here fill out the contact form, and we will get in touch with you ASAP with a pricing quote.

Can I buy a partial list or one with a more specific geographical area?

Yes, breaking down the list for you is a possibility. Fill out a contact form here and we will be in touch to discuss with you what your needs are.

What does the list look like?

The list has columns for contact first name, last name, firm, office address including city and state, cell phone, office phone, and email address. Occasionally one or more of these pieces of information are not available for a particular contact, in which case the box will be empty. You can find a sample of the list here.

Do you have questions about the list?

If you have any questions at all, you can call us at (646) 444-8066, email us at info@nationalbrokerlist.com, or fill out the below form and we’ll respond to you right away.

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